Thursday, March 12, 2020

Re-Editing Blog

I reviewed all the audio in the movie with my group.  We were able to see which audio needed to be increased. Only two scenes needed to be increased.  The ransom scene and the clues scene are the only audio needing to be found.

I had to reduce the background noise.  When that happened, the wind in the video was heard only a little bit.  I raised the audio to the highest level it can be. The audio now seems a bit more clearer than before.

There are a few scenes that are missing from the video. Some of those scenes are the victim's friends talking about the situation. It will be edited later once the scenes are filmed next week. The scenes will be added in-between the scenes that are already edited.

Today my group and I reviewed the camera techniques we need to put in the scenes we're filming. The group that reviewed us said we needed a close-up, medium shot, high angle, low angle, shot reverse shot, eye-line match, action match, and non-diegetic sound in editing.  My group and I reviewed our video after looking at the camera techniques. Some of the techniques the other group said we need are in the video, so my group and I are focusing on certain ones.

There is a change in script for the scenes needed to be filmed.  A few more lines are added to some scenes. Also, a scene got added into the script making it three scenes in total needing to be filmed. The script change is not anything major that will drastically change the movie, it will instead enhance the movie.

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