Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

   Throughout the media film process, I've grown and learned so much. At the beginning of the film process when I made my first blog, I knew little to nothing about making a film or video. My only knowledge was making sure the camera was focus and steady and cutting or transitioning awkward parts. Now I've learned so much and my love for directing and editing has grown tremendously. I've learned the different editing tools, camera techniques like angles, and what prep goes into a video before it's put out. I'm excited to continue growing in directing and editing because I truly believe it's my passion and maybe one day I will be as big as Jordan Peele and direct amazing movies that push the envelope to get people thinking deeply about a topic, but also entertaining them.
   My group members for this final project is Melshida Durand and Sabrina Mekic. We had a fun time thinking about the plot of the movie. Our process for making a film seems to be to come up with the plot and then work our way to the end, then to the beginning. That way we have all our ideas out there and it doesn't get confused with other ideas and projects. We like to go on the risky sides of making a story and put as much detail in as we can. For this project, we are challenging ourselves by having different ideas based off movies we've seen and trying to make it different and interesting. Our goal is to make an eye-catching movie that will bring recognition like oh I've seen something like this, but it still surprises them. Our film, whatever that is we choose will need to have an element that makes us unique. We are going to take our time with this project and do heavy-duty research to make our film shine.

What is a Pitch? a pitch describes an idea where a film is summarized in 25 words or less. As a group, we came up with three different pitches to contribute to the final task.
Pitch #1: They say together until the end, but I say obsessed forever
Pitch #2: Loyalty is like a knife stab through the heart
Pitch #3: Betrayal is like a bed of thorns... it leaves you bloody

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