Friday, January 17, 2020

Let's Get Pitching!

On January 17, 2020, our group came together to discuss which pitch will be the main victor out of the three contestants. How our team decided to eliminate a pitch was by the amount of props that would be needed. Out of the three pitch ideas, only two remains so far. The pitch that got eliminated on the first round was "They say together until the end, but I say obsessed forever." The first pitch got eliminated because the idea came out to be too broad and the pitch would involve very few props. As a group, we thought that the right pitch needed to have just the right amount of props, not too little and not too much. As for the idea, the group rethought about the pitch and realized that it was too vague of an idea to be set in stone. The pitch brought in too many open doors and needed more details in order for the idea to be efficient. Since the success of the first elimination round, the numbers went down to two. Thus, two pitches remain but only one can reign supreme. 

  At last the group was able to narrow down to two pitches left. The pitch that came out as the runner-up was "Loyalty is like a knife stab through the heart." The pitch was not sufficient enough to be the lucky winner because the idea was way too similar to our main pitch and the idea was somewhat vague. The second pitch was supposed to be like a spy movie where there are two partners getting involved in a mission. The mission was to get a hold of a specific item but the partner ends up being the bad guy. To see if the pitch was going to be cut or not, the props that would be used was just the right amount. The main reason the pitch had to be cut was mainly because the idea was too similar to another pitch our group came up with. Also, the pitch did have some details but was still lacking in some areas. In the end, their only remained one main pitch that would be crowned the winner. After eliminating two pitches, the group finally has the main idea that would be used for the final task. 

  From the beginning of the competition, three pitches were deemed to be candidates for the upcoming final task. Now, only one remains and that one became the lucky winner. The pitch the group decided to run with is "betrayal is like a bed of thorns... it leaves you bloody." This particular pitch was selected for the reason being it was perfectly detailed enough to start recording the scenes necessary. The props used for the pitch would be the right amount being not too little or too much. The pitch presents a kidnapping story where one of the victims is taken hostage for ransom and the friends of the victim is trying to track them down. Little did the friends know there was a traitor amongst the group who reported the finding to the kidnapper. When one of the friends arrive at the location the kidnapper knocks the friend unconscious. Overall, the pitch presented a clear picture of what each scene will portray which is one of the reasons why this pitch came out to be the winner. The group is in the process of figuring out the setting of the film, the costumes, and the props that will be used during production. 

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