Friday, December 6, 2019

Music Video Filming continued and Editing

My group filmed over the weekend. I didn't film because we decided to split up the roles. My role is editing and theirs is filming different scenes. We thought it was a good idea since some members won't be around on certain days. Monday, I got the flash drive and SD card that had the scenes they filmed and dumped them onto my computer. I deleted clips from the last project and added the new clips into a folder and changed the name to Music Video This is so I can easily know where the clips for the music video are. Then I started editing.

Transcription of Video:
Here's the music video that I'll be editing. So, I still have some more editing to do. Right now all I did was add some clips in. I still have to add more clips in later. And I also need to add in the transitions and the actual song for the music video. So, this scene over here is the popcorn scene, which is a flashback in the main character's POV. Then over here is still a flashback, but the main character will be watching a movie and it's still in the main character's POV.  Then over here, this is the ending of the music video where it will go from the flashbacks all the way to the present which is where the music video starts. So this is how it looks. I decided to make the beginning also the ending because I thought it would look nice and also be a recap of the events that happened in the music video. I always thought that the reverse concept in any type of video whether it was a music video or film was really amazing. And the reason why that these are POV shots is because when this was filmed one of my  group members thought it would be a great idea that instead of showing the main character, we should also try adding a new element in a music video, which is a POV shot because not many music videos do POV shots. It's usually a one-shot or a two-shot, so we decided why not try something new and different and hopefully it turns out great.

The process of editing will hopefully go smoothly. I have some great ideas for transitions. I would like for people to understand that certain scenes are flashbacks. The music video will go in and out of the present and past. When the song is added I pray that the scenes fit just like I imagined it to. When I add the rest of the clips in, the music video should meet the length requirements. We can't go over a minute and fifteen seconds. Nor can we be under a minute and five seconds. This shouldn't be a problem. My group members made long clips just in case we were under. I should be able to cut it down to meet the time frame.

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