Sunday, January 26, 2020

Finding Our Genres

The two additional genres our group decided to research on, besides dance, was action and thriller.

Common Camera Angles:
High angles, in action films, are used to portray how the figure appears physically small and meek 

Low angles, in action films, are used to portray how the figure appears physically bigger and stronger 

Medium shots are used to distinguish what the actor is holding or elaborating with their hands (medium shot only shows the actors waist and up)

Two shot in action films are used to show the actors either engaging in a conversation or conducting a scheme 

Extreme close-ups, in action films, are used to create a feeling of intimacy showing how the actor is vulnerable and more human at the moment

Common Mis-En-Scene:
C- For the heroes of the film, the color scheme is usually bright and vibrant, while the villains are usually clothed in dark colors. Costuming, in general, could vary depending on the idea that is being filmed.
     Ex) The Man of Steel movie portrayed an actor wearing a superhero suit with a cape, while a  James Bond movie has the actor dressed in a fancy tuxedo

L- Low key lighting is used at first to indicate danger/conflict, then a high key lighting is used to signify resolution

A- The main type of actors portrayed in action films are heroes, villains, and the damsel in distress
     Ex) In The Man of Steel movie, Superman is portrayed as the hero, Lois Lane is the damsel in distress, and the villain is General Zod

M- The most commonly used makeup are bruises, blood, sweat, cuts, and wound marks

P- Props may vary for each type of action movie. However, the most commonly used props are helicopters, large vehicles, guns, bombs, and knives

S- The location of each action film usually takes place in either a popular country or an urban area
     Ex) In The Man of Steel movie, the film takes place in Chicago. In the Mission Impossible movie, the film takes place in New Zealand

Common Editing:
Establishing shot- Identifies the location and time of the scene about to be screened

Cutaway- Displays the object the actor has their eyes on and looks back at the main subject

Jump cuts- Has the actor seem like they are moving in a fast pace manner but in reality is not

Elements of the Genre:
Action films usually contains a protagonist that is facing a life-threatening situation or is placed in a scenario where the antagonist must be defeated by the protagonist. In most cases, action films tries to incorporate physical stunts, battles, races, explosions, high energy, and any types of rescuing to fall under the specific trope of action films.

Common Sounds:
Non-Diegetic sound- commonly used as background music especially for scenes that use background music to create emphasis

Diegetic sound- commonly used as sound effects through explosions, gun fires and shouting noises

Elements that I liked of this genre:
The main element of action movies that appealed to me was the incorporation of a main protagonist that contained human-like qualities and emotions that would connect the audience with the main character.

Elements that I disliked of this genre:
The main element of action movies that I disliked was the fact that antagonists usually gets defeated first in order for the resolution to take place in the end, however the protagonist should try reasoning first before having to finish the villain off completely.

Example films of your Genre:

James Bond

Man of Steel

Mission Impossible Fallout

Thriller genre

Common angles:
-High angle: This makes whatever is being looked down on look powerless and venerable
-Low angle: This emphasizes the amount of power the villain and makes everyone else feel weak
-Tilt: Adds a dramatic effect and increases the tension. An example is it acting like the victim is on the floor and you can see from their point of view.

Common Mis-En-Scene:
-Custom: The antagonist is usually wearing darker clothes and the protagonist is wearing brighter clothes. However, they are wearing normal clothes because it looks more realistic.
-Lighting: The lighting is usually low level to create suspense and make create shadows. Using this lighting helped to hide faces and or clues.
-Actors: There are usually a villain and a "good guy" or just someone trying to escape the villain.
-Makeup: This is usually natural or minimal
-Props: They can include weapons like guns or knives.
-Setting: This is usually filmed on a set like a house that has dark lighting.

Common Editing:
-Jump cuts: This makes the actor look like they are moving faster than they really are 
-Graphic match: Used to emphasize the action that has taken place
-Flashback: Gives insight to persons past and helps to explain why the person is the way they are

Elements in the genre: These movies usually have a protagonist trying to escape the antagonist. Thriller uses suspense and tension as its main elements. They affect the audience's moods giving them anticipation, uncertainty, and terror.

Example films in the genre: Get out, Silence of the lambs, and a quiet place.

Common sound: Non-diegetic sounds to build up suspense. The music usually starts off slow and then becomes louder and faster. Sometimes silence is used to create and sense of panic and tension.

Elements I like: I like that thriller gives you the suspense without the horror. There is a good balance of creepy and action. 

Elements I do not like: Most of them develop the same plot after a while.

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